Try these email marketing tips to improve your strategies for better results
Personalize your messages
- Personalizing your email marketing means using customer data to personalize the message.
- It’s not “Dear valued customer”, but “Dear Steven”.
- It’s not, “You might like these… (randomly generated)”, but “You might like these (based on my purchase history)”.
- Personalization can generate $20 in ROI for every $1 invested.
Segment your subscribers
- When you segment your database, your email campaigns become much more targeted to your audience.
- You get better open rates, revenue, leads, transactions and more customers.
- Another benefit is that segmentation goes hand in hand with GDPR and email marketing.
- Segment by services of interest to have better engagement.
Send mobile friendly emails
- When you send an email to a subscriber who reads their emails on their phone, but the email is not readable for mobile devices, what do you think they do with? Unsubscribe or delete it!
- 61% of all emails are opened on a mobile device.
- Revenue per email on mobile devices is 4x higher than desktop
- 55% of smartphone users have made at least one purchase after receiving a mobile promotional email.
Test copy, design and buttons
- By doing A/B testing, it determines which of different variations of an online experience performs better by presenting each version to users at random and analyzing the results.
- From address: The name that appears in the “from” field has a huge impact on whether the reader opens your email. In fact, the sender name is the main reason why people open your email. Test your from address by sending your campaigns from a person’s name, person + company or from your CEO.
- Plain text vs HTML campaigns: Have you thought of testing an email campaign that is plain text only? And when you add an element of personalization, plain text emails appear to be written just for the reader.
- Long vs short emails: You can keep your emails short and sweet or, you can create long detailed emails. Long form emails can include more detailed copy whereas shorter emails will send the reader directly to a targeted landing page. The best way to see what works best? Test it.
Automate email campaigns when possible (with Marketing Automation)
- Trigger-based emails are emails that are sent out automatically based on user behavior.
- The most common forms of trigger emails are ‘welcome’ emails, ‘thank you’ emails and ‘transactional’ emails, such as order confirmation email and email receipts.
- The data behind trigger emails shows us that they perform much better than traditional email.
- For example
- Open rates for trigger emails are as high as 49% (95% higher than traditional email open rates)
- The average click-through rate (CTR) for trigger emails is more than double the rate compared to traditional email click-through rates
- The best converting websites in the world, sites that convert as much as 40% of their traffic, use trigger emails.